AKC Group
Cincorp is promoted by members of the AKC Group. The AKC Group of Companies resting firmly on sound financial base started its activities in India in 1976. From its very inception the philosophy of the Group has been to specialise in selected fields. With a well-planned and farsighted strategy, the Group has built up an enviable reputation and carved a place of pride globally. A few of the Prominent Indian Companies belonging to the AKC Group:


Kunstocom (India)
BACFO Pharmaceuticals (India) Limited  
Kräuter Healthcare Limited 
Technicom Chemie (India) Limited 

In addition to above, the promoters of AKC Group are also the promoters of philanthropic activities through AMITY Educational Institutions including Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida; Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur etc.